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Find articles to keep you informed on topics like general banking, saving, budgeting, career and education, family finance, lifestyle, and retirement.
Why Keeping Your Checking and Loan Accounts at the Same Bank Makes Sense
In today’s financial landscape, convenience and efficiency are key. Managing your finances doesn’t have to be complicated—especially when you can streamline your banking by keeping your checking and loan accounts at the same institution. + -
Navigating Financial Responsibilities: A Guide for High School Graduates
Hey, grads! Congratulations on crossing one of the significant milestones in your life – high school graduation. The world is your oyster, and whether you’re heading off to college, starting a job, or taking a gap year to explore your passions, there's one thing you can’t avoid: financial responsibilities. + -
What's the Easiest Way to Save? Automatically
The easiest and most effective way to save is automatically. Think about it: Saving automatically is the exact same way that millions of employees save through 401(k) and other retirement programs at work. +
Investing in Tomorrow: When it comes to financial education, it’s never too early to start
In an ever-evolving financial landscape, the importance of educating our children about financial literacy cannot be overstated. Adopting good habits early can positively impact how children handle money. + -
The Importance of Building Good Credit
In the complex and ever-changing landscape of personal finance, one thing remains constant: the importance of building and maintaining good credit. Your credit score plays a pivotal role in your financial life, impacting everything from securing a mortgage to getting a favorable interest rate on a car loan. + -
7 Smart Ways to Master Your Finances and Avoid Overdraft Fees
Managing personal finances can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to avoiding overdraft fees. These fees can quickly accumulate, putting unnecessary strain on your wallet. + -
Saving for the Unexpected Isn't Just for Emergencies
Everyone can agree that having emergency savings is ideal, right? Personal finance experts have preached the importance of having three to six months of living expenses put aside for emergencies or a “rainy day.” + -
Encouraging Financial Literacy at Every Age and Life Stage
Better Banks is celebrating Financial Literacy Month in April, encouraging Americans to take control of their financial future by learning fiscally responsible habits and implementing these lessons. + -
Tips to Help You Reduce Debt
One of the greatest contributors to financial stress is debt. If you're having a tough time financially, it can feel isolating, but the truth is 80 percent of Americans have consumer debt. +
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Additional educational resources available:
FDIC Money Smart Resources
The FDIC's Money Smart financial education program can help people of all ages enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships. First released in 2001 and regularly updated, Money Smart has a long track record of success.
Choosing a Credit Counselor
Reputable credit counseling organizations can advise you on managing your money and debts, help you develop a budget, and offer free educational materials and workshops.